2018-10-26 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm America/New York Timezone

Original Air Date: 04/03/1999
Conlon; Fleming, Hadley, Ramey
MOD Audio SID.18430316
This is the Met’s only broadcast of Susannah to date, and finds all three principals on especially fine form. I’ve seen the opera 4 times, and each time it is very successful and attention holding. Even without the visual appeal, the opera makes an impact from the music alone.
This was a highly successful Met repertory debut for the Carlisle Floyd opera and both Fleming and Ramey are extremely well cast. Conlon is very committed to the work, and it is a contemporary work that works almost as well in audio only as in the theatre with its sure-fire theatrics. One of the best efforts of the Met for both American and contemporary opera.
Very fine performances from both Fleming and Ramey under Conlon bring great credit to the Met and the artists. One of the most distinctive broadcasts of the week.
This is one of Fleming’s very best outings, and Ramey and Hadley are well cast as well. One of the better 20th century American operas.

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